Friday, October 30, 2015

Halloween Tutorial: Evil Skull Nail Art

Hey guys! I'm sorry that it as been so long. I started a new job and I have been super busy between college, high school, and work. But I figured that I would be a really horrible blogger if I didn't get at least one Halloween tutorial up for you guys.

What You Will Need:
  •  Black nail polish (I'm using NYC Black Lace Cream)
  • White nail polish (I'm using NYC French White Tip)
  • Red nail polish (I'm using China Glaze The Heat is On)
  • A dotting tool
  • A nail art brush or a small detailing brush
  • Matte top coat *optional* (I'm using NYC Matte Me Crazy)

Step One: 

Paint your nails white and make two big black dots as shown above. 

Step Two:

With your nail art brush, make your eyes bigger and uneven. Paint an upside down heart for the nose in black.

Step Three:

Paint a slightly upward line that looks like a smile in black. 

Step Four:

Paint on a half oval as shown above to make a tooth. 

Step Five:

 Continue step four all along the top of the line.

Step Six:

Continue to add teeth on the bottom of the line with black, to finish the teeth. Blacken out a small portion of the nail on the side like shown above to slim the skull's face.

Step Seven:

Repeat step six and blacken out the other side of the face to slim it.

Step Eight:

Add red dots in the eyes and add matte top coat. Your done!

Have a great Halloween everyone and be safe!

Friday, October 16, 2015

31 Day Challenge 2015 Wrap Up!

Ahhh yes finally. While I love these challenges, I get so tired by the end of them. But I feel like I get better after every challenge. I super excited to start with some Halloween tutorials for you all! You can see some of my favorites from the challenge below!

Day 13 Animal Print:

Even though these are really simple, I adore them! I love how classy leopard print is and how the two red nails match with the leopard print perfectly. 

Day 18 Half Moons:

 I have really been digging the negative space trend lately, so I really like these! I also love the placement of the diamond glitters.

 Day 24 Inspired by A Book: 

HARRY POTTER NAILS YESSS! I'm a Harry Potter fan and weirdly I had never done any HP nails until these and I think they turned out well.

 Day 30 Inspired by A Tutorial:

These were inspired by Chalkboard Nails. They were just really fun to paint because I love mixing colors with other colors.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

#31DC2015 Days 27-31

I have been extremely lazy with this challenge. So I'm adding my last five manicures here for the challenge. I also really just want to start on some Halloween and fall designs. I already have a few planned! I will have a 31 Day Challenge 2015 wrap up in a few days.

Day 27 Inspired by Artwork

These are inspired by a painting called "Composition with Large Red Plane, Yellow, Black, Gray, and Blue" by Piet Mondrian.

Day 28 Inspired by A Flag

These are inspired by the Norway flag. I have many ancestors from Norway and hope to vacation there one day!

Day 29 Inspired by The Supernatural

I was so so soo tempted to do nails inspired by the TV show Supernatural but I controlled myself. So I painted some mummies and they honestly look more cute then scary. Super easy for Halloween!

Day 30 Inspired by A Tutorial

These nails are inspired by Chalkboard Nails aka one of my favorite blogs ever. She did these jewel nails and I instantly fell in love. You can find the tutorial here
Day 31 Honor Nails You Love

These are inspired by Simply Nailogical's Canada Day nails except I don't have maple leaf decals so I just did the gradient part which is super amazing.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

#31DC2015 Day 26 Inspired by A Pattern

Hello friends. In my attempts to catch up with the 31 Day Challenge, I have day 26 today. Day 26's prompt is "inspired by a pattern". I have been seeing all of these pineapple patterns everywhere and really wanted to try it. I also added a gradient and a water marble to it.

  • NYC French White Tip
  • China Glaze Community
  • NYC Palm on The Beach
  • China Glaze Metro Pollen-Tin
  • Seche Vite Top Coat

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

#31DC2015 Day 25 Fashion

I know basically nothing about fashion. I just wear sweats, black, and plaid all of the time. But I 'm so out of it that I haven't heard of Christian Louboutin. I know that red soles are his signature. So here we are with this rather shitty, bad quality photo of some nail art. Overall I wish I had time to redo this, but I don't.

I just used french manicure tips to make the red & black french manicure. I used NYC Black Lace Cream and China Glaze The Heat is On. I topped it off with NYC Matte Me Crazy.   

Saturday, September 26, 2015

#31DC2015 Days 23 & 24

Day 23 Inspired by A Movie

The Perks of Being A Wallflower
  • NYC Black Lace Cream
  •  Sally Hansen Tan Lime
  • NYC High Line Green
  • Seche Vite Top Coat 

Day 24 Inspired By A Book

Harry Potter Series by J.K. Rowling

  • NYC Black Lace Creme
  • NYC French White Tip
  • China Glaze The Heat is On
  • O.P.I. Vant to Bite My Neck?
  • China Glaze Metro Pollen-tin
  • inm Out The Door

Thursday, September 24, 2015

#31DC2015 Days 21 & 22

Hi guys! In the midst of applying to colleges, applying for financial aid, and other gross adult things, I come to you with more of the 31 Day Challenge. Remember when you were a kid and you really just wanted to be an adult, yet every adult told you to stay a child because being an adult sucks? I was that way. Now I just want some candy and a nap.

Day 21 Inspired by A Color
  • Sally Hansen Wine Not
  • China Glaze Mingle with Kringle
  • O.P.I. I Sing In Color
  • Gold stud from The New Black
  • inm Out The Door top coat

Day 22 Inspired by A Song

 Inspired by Welcome to the Black Parade by My Chemical Romance
O.P.I Push and Shove, NYC Black Lace Cream, & NYC French White Tip.
Top coat is Seche Vite.  

Sunday, September 20, 2015

#31DC2015 Days 19 & 20

Hey guys! I got a new light bulb on Saturday for my light box. You can totally tell the difference if you look at the two different designs I'm showing you today. The light bulb I got is a daylight bulb in 5000k and is so much more lighted and natural looking. I'm really pleased with the change.

Day 19 Galaxy

 I did a pastel galaxy for day 19. I always forget how much I love doing galaxy nail art until I do it. I really need to do it much often! I used Rimmel London Sweet Lavender, Rimmel London Mind The Gap, Victoria, NYC Boat Basin, and NYC Tropicoral. I used NYC French White Tip for the stars.Top coat is inm Out The Door.

Day 20 Water Marble

The thing is that I knew this water marble would be shitty because they always tend to be. Water marbles just don't like me I guess. I used O.P.I. Jade is the New Black and O.P.I. OPI...Eurso Euro. Top coat is inm Out The Door. Lets all just move on and pretend that this manicure doesn't exist. :p

Saturday, September 19, 2015

#31DC2015 Days 17 & 18

Hey guys! Today I have both days 17 & 18 of the 31 Day Challenge for you. I was super lazy for day 17 and just put on Elf Gina Girl on and called it done. Well technically its glitter sooo...ha. On day 18 the prompt was half moon. So I did a negative space half moon manicure with Rimmel London Man Overboard and Nicole By O.P.I. Be Awesome. Both are topped with inm Out The Door top coat.

Day 17 Glitter

Day 18 Half Moon

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

#31DC2015 Day 16 Geometric

#31DC2015 Day 16 Geometric

For this design I used Essie Naughty Nautical, Orly Skinny Dip, NYC Black Lace Cream, NYC Boat Basin, NYC Palm on The Beach. I used striping tape and free hand nail art brushes. Top coat is Seche Vite.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

#31DC2015 Day 15 Delicate Print

Hi friends! I just got back from my day at college and I'm ready to share day 15 of the 31 Day Challenge with you all! I always find day 15's prompt: delicate print hard because delicate can mean many different things to many different people. I guess to me delicate is soft colors, gold, simple patterns, flowers, nature things, etc.

The base is Sally Hansen Ballet Bare. The gold polish is Julie G Ornamental. I used a dotting tool and striping tape to make the design. Top coat is Seche Vite. 

Monday, September 14, 2015

#31DC2015 Day 14 Flowers

Hey guys! Today is the 14th day of the 31 Day Challenge. Today's prompt is flowers. I was partly inspired by Wondrously Polished for this look. I painted this design free hand. I am way to lazy to name all of the polishes I used for this but if you want to know, leave me a comment.