Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Deadly Sins Challenge: Sloth Day 7/ Watercolor tutorial

Hey pretties! Today's challenge says "Don't try too hard but explain everyone how to do something really easy... (tutorial)" Well, i'm sorry but I AM going to explain it well. Or at least try to! I haven't done a tutorial in a while so i'm pretty excited about doing one! It is on how to watercolor your nails. But don't be fooled, they aren't really watercolors. You just use normal polish with acetone! Also, random but I made a twitter for the blog! Just search Kacey's Nails. I'm new to twitter so stay with me! So on to the tutorial..!

First, paint your nail white with top coat on top. Don't forget the top coat, its important!

Next pick at least 2 colors!

Put 2 SMALL dots on your nail, get a nail brush and dip it in your acetone. Then dab the polish around the nail.

Do it again with your next color and so on. You nail won't look as gritty, my brush was just really suckish.

Put on top coat and your done. Don't forget the topcoat! Even though you nails won't be AS gritty as mine, they still won't be smooth.

This takes some patience to master so don't give up. 
Enjoy and have a great day! :)

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