Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Today's Walmart Trip!

Hey! Today I went to Walmart and saw the new Fing'rs Heart 2 Art collection! I picked up one of their nail kits and a polish! They were pretty cheap! The polish was around 2 dollars and the kit was 7! Here we go!

Here is the kit and polish!


 Here is the actual kit.
 Here is the polish that came with it! I love them, but they don't have names! That kind of bugs me. 

 These are the stickers that came with the kit!
These are the colors. Two coats on each of them! Love them!
 Here is the final result! The stickers didn't fit my nails very well. But other than that, I love it!


 Here is the polish. It is called Star Crossed Lovers. 
Pointer finger: alone
Middle finger: with Sinful Colors Snow Me White
Ring finger: with L.A. Colors Splash
Pinky finger: with Sinful Colors Black on Black

 Have a great day!

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