Sunday, February 2, 2014

City of Fallen Angels (Mortal Instruments 4) Review

A lot of people reviewed this one negatively. I understand where they are coming from. This book really annoyed me, but it was just too amazing to give it anything less than 5 stars. I love the whole mortal instruments world that Cassandra Clare has created. So let me try to break this down without spoilers, But there will be spoilers if you haven't read the first three.

Clary and Jace's relationship really annoys the crap out of me. They basically just fight, makeup, make out, and repeat. It is all because Jace is trying to "protect" Clary from himself basically. God. Jace, here is a message for you. Clary doesn't care, if you are having problems. You are too hot and amazing. Just let it go.

Reading that message over, it sounds like a piece of shit some fan girl would write. But, I'm not going to lie, I fan girl over Jace a lot. I guess it is kind of my thing.

Magnus and Alec are on a vacation for like half of the book. But holy shit, when they come back it gets fucking fabulous. (Did you see what I did there?) I really didn't like Alec a lot in the first three books, but I felt really he really came into his own in this one. And Magnus? Well I mean come on, how could you not love Magnus? He is hilarious and just a great character.

Simon is having his own problems. He is dating two girls, Izzy and Maia. You may be saying, "How could this be a problem?". Well trust me, it is. Firstly, I hate Maia. Secondly, Simon and Izzy need to be together, it would be just perfect. Thirdly, dating two girls at once? Nope. Not going to work.

Clary starts to train to become a shadow hunter. It turns out to be a great idea, but who would have thought otherwise? Clary really starts to step into her own and not just let Jace do all of the killing for her. While sadly, I feel like Jace's character lacked a little bit in this book. (I hate saying that, but its true)

But with its negatives, this book was still amazing. Like all of the mortal instrument books, they are packed full of action, romance, and suspense. I also like how the ending was about 50 or 60 pages. It wasn't too short, or too long, and it left me with a feeling of longing. Longing to have CITY OF LOST SOULS in my damn hands. I do have it on my shelves though! I recommend this one to loves of bad ass romances, and action.

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