Saturday, June 28, 2014

Dangerous Creatures Book Review

Title: Dangerous Creatures
Author(s): Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl
Series: Dangerous Creatures #1
Rating: 3/5 Stars
Bookshelves on Goodreads: books-i-own, damaged-guys, have-high-hopes-for, look-at-that-cover-i-want-to-vomit, meh, read, romance, witches-and-fairies

   “Ridley Duchannes. Is there even one stupid tiny little part of you that loves one stupid tiny little part of me?”

Dangerous Creatures is the start of a spin off series of Beautiful Creatures. I loved Beautiful Creatures and gave every book 5/5 stars. I even like the crappy movie that every one hates. So you can see that I really wanted to like Dangerous Creatures and I tried, I really did. I'm not saying that it was horrible because it wasn't, it was just so boring. It did finally start to pick up about 3/4 of the way through. I would have given the book a 2/5 if it wasn't for the decent ending. But Dangerous Creatures just left me wanting more.

Dangerous Creatures is about Ridley Duchannes (a dark siren caster that is always up to no good) and Wesley Lincoln (Link) (a hybrid incubus who plays music, even if he sucks at it). To fully understand this book, I think you would have to read the Beautiful Creatures series first, which gives you a run down on casters and such. But you can read this without spoiling too much of the Beautiful Creatures series. So Ridley and Link graduate and go to New York. They both have their own reasons, Link wants to get into the music business and Ridley has a debt to pay. So they end up dorming with a caster band and getting themselves into trouble.

My main problem with this book was that it just didn't keep my interest until the end. It moved at a slow pace and had little to no action till the end. It also pissed me off because Ridley treats Link like crap for most of the book. I like them as a couple but really? She has an awesome sweet guy, and she lies to him and pushes him around. It also made me mad because no one like even gave Ridley a chance to be good. Its a sterotype, that all Sirens are bad, so everyone in the band is mean to her. No wonder why she doesn't like them.

If you read the Beautiful Creatures series and are wondering if you should bother to read this, you should. I feel like my mildly negative review might just be my opinion.

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