Thursday, November 20, 2014

The Raven Boys Book Review

Title: The Raven Boys
Author: Maggie Stiefvater
Series: The Raven Boys #1
Rating: 4/5 stars
Bookshelves on Goodreads: books-i-own, damaged-guys, have-high-hopes-for, mythology, romance

“My words are unerring tools of destruction, and I’ve come unequipped with the ability to disarm them.”

The Raven Boys is super fantastic and unique. I liked Stiefvater's Shiver series but The Raven Boys was better. I seriously loved the whole setting and atmosphere of it. Its southern without the annoying accent writing and has a boarding school without bad school drama. Gansey & his friends live in an abadoned building and has book stacked up high, it sounds like heaven. The whole book is mysterious and perfect.

The Raven Boys is about Blue Sargent, her mom is a physic and she lives with her physic family. Blue herself has the weird ability to lend energy to others, making things stronger and clearer. She goes to the church, like she does every year, and watches the dead pass. She isn't supposed to see them because she isn't physic, but she sees Gansey. She could see him either because she is either his true love or she will kill him. Blue gets dragged into the exciting world of the raven boys.

The raven boys is a nickname that is given to students of an all boys boarding school. We get to met four: Gansey, Adam, Noah, and Ronan. Gansey is a boy with everything, on a quest for a mythical man on the lay lines. Adam has trouble at home with his dad, and often escapes to help Gansey with his quest. Noah is a quiet boy with a weird and dark past. Ronan watched his father his father die and is paying the price with anger and depression.

I loved all of the characters in this book. Blue was really independent and selfless. Out of all of the raven boys I liked Gansey best with Ronan being a close second. I also really liked Blue's mom, she was a bad ass.

Overall this was a great story. I'm happy with how it ended and also happy that I started it so late, so I don't have to wait for The Dream Theives. Doesn't title just sound awesome?! *running to the bookstore to buy the next book*  

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