12 Days of Christmas Tutorials: Day 6 Reindeer
Hey guys. I find it ironic that I am so ready for the holidays on my blog. I have nail art tutorials weeks before Christmas. But in my own house, I don't even have a tree up yet. Well hey, I haven't even gotten a tree yet at all. I did finish on of the paintings for my parents though! Painting nails actually doesn't transfer to some canvas skills! I might have some pics up in the next post!Today I have the reindeer tutorial for you! Everyone knows about the reindeers and they pull Santa's sled and such. I mean, hey!, we wouldn't even get presents without them!
For this design you will need:
- Base and top coat
- Nail brushes
- Nail dotting tools
- A white, nude, brown, dark brown, black, and red polish.
Step one: Paint your nails with a nude polish
Step two: Take your brown and paint a half circle at the bottom of your nails
Step three: Take a bigger dotting tool and make a circle on top of the half circle, connecting them as you do.
Step four: Make a red dot at the bottom of the reindeer's head
Step five: Take your white and make two dots right next to each other for the eyes
Step six: Take a smaller dotting tools and make black dots in the white ones.
Step seven: Take your nail art pen and draw two lines coming from the head, going up.
Step eight: Try lines coming out of the original lines. Finish up with cleaning up and top coat!
Thanks for reading and have a great day!
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