Thursday, April 3, 2014

Fun with Striping Tape

Hey guys! We are getting so much snow here! When will it ever stop? I was looking forward to some sun, but I guess it isn't happening. Well fine mother, HAVE IT YOUR WAY. As you can tell, I'm very passionate on the subject.

To happier things, I have some nail art for you today! Striping tape has never been my strong suit. Not really sure why, but it wasn't. So I sat down a few days ago and mastered it! I did 5 designs and I gotta say that I love every one. But my thumb is my favorite. The designs aren't mine or anything, I just saw them over Google.



For this design I used OPI Love.Angel.Music.Baby for the base color on all of my nails. Then I placed down striping tape for the different designs. I used China Glaze So Blue Without You, Sinful Colors Cloud 9, Julie G Under Mistletoe, China Glaze Elfin' Around, and Sally Hansen Deep Purple. 




Thanks for reading and have a great day!


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