Monday, April 7, 2014

Sally Hansen Pumped Up Pink Swatches and Some Nail Art

Hey there! I filled out another job application yesterday. It is for being a dishwasher at a camp. It would be a lot of work but it seems like a good first job. I'm just waiting to here from them!

I went to a baby shower about a week ago and my aunt came with me and my mom. We hung out with her for a while after wards and she gave me a bottle of nail polish! I have this compulsive need to swatch every nail polish I have, so here we go! I will also have some nail art at the end.

Sally Hansen Pumped Up Pink:

Pumped Up Pink is a shimmery pink. I like it a lot, which is surprising because I'm normally not a pink fan. It has a good formula and doesn't have any problems. It dried really fast too. Here is two coats without top coat. 





And here is some waterfall nail art that I did with it!


Thanks for reading and have a great day!


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