Monday, April 29, 2013

Blue Ombre

So every great nail artist runs out of idea. Today was one of those days. So I took an idea from a painting I did in 8th grade.


Sunday, April 28, 2013

Rainbow Nails

Hey guys! Ah, well today I decided that I wanted to go colorful. I tried to pull off the rainbow nail with toothpicks. It got the job done but they aren't great up close. I used Cardinal by Sally Hansen, an orange by Maurices, Lexington Yellow by NYC, Wild Thing by Pure Ice, Blue Me Away by Sally Hansen, No Means No by Pure Ice, and Crystal Clear by Sally Hansen.




Saturday, April 27, 2013

French Dots

Oh my, it is SO beautifully perfect outside. It is 75 and sunny. I'm in heaven! I am going to go tan, and we are grilling tonight! So I decided to do a french manicure today but here is the problem,  I have this one bottle of nail polish that stains my nails like there is no tommorow. So if anybody knows how to get the stains out, I am all ears! So I decided to do white under my french tips. I doesn't look bad but it isn't the same thing!


Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Purple Ombre

Ahh! Its actually raining instead of snowing. Thanks mother nature! So, I have been a little obsessed with ombre nails lately. And my mom got me a lavender color today!! Best. Mom. Ever. I got Sally Hansen No Hard Feelings.


Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Tropical Ombre

These make me want to go to Hawaii ! :)


Monday, April 22, 2013

Running with Swirls.

I got up today and I looked outside. I was like " Yup, I'm going running". I have been waiting for my running season! I can't put up with all the dumb snow when I run. Anyway, I think I did good on my nails today. They look so elegant ;)


Sunday, April 21, 2013

Bye Bye Birdy

I normally only do my nails once a day but I got Essie Turquoise & Caicos at Target tonight. It was my very first Essie purchase. I normally only get cheap nail polish because I do my nails everyday but I would die for this color. I would defiently recommend it! I did a simple design because I already did my nails today.


Fire & Ice

Fire and Ice:
Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire. 
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.

Robert Frost


I just had to say the poem by Robert Frost for these nails! 

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Chevron Nails

Oh, my 6 hours of sleep isn't getting me places today. I was stupid enough to go to bed at 2 am even though, I knew I would have to wake up at 8:30. I had to babysit at 8:30. The kids are 8 months, 2 years, and 10 years. They are fun but tiring. Anyway, I have been waiting for the money to get some migi pens! I am almost there. I'm really excited! I tried to do classy today. I failed but I think they are still pretty. You can never go wrong with chevron!


Friday, April 19, 2013

Snowing Madness

I would like to take the time to say that I HATE snow with a passion. Also my front yard happens to love like a winter wonderland. We got about 14 inches of snow. Most people call that a blizzard. But in Minnesota when call it Thursday. So needless to say, I wanted to do fun nails today. So I did some green and blue abstract. And I might add that they were painted only with a toothpick! Besides the base coat over course. There sure aren't perfect but i'm proud.


Thursday, April 18, 2013

Snow & Wildness.

It's snowing out. In April. My case of spring fever is a little more than extreme. So I need happy nails today and that is what I got! These nails are supposed to be very wild and fun.


Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Rainbows & Swirls

Hey guys! Well it is raining outside. I love rain! I also love to run in it and just be a dork! But since it is 10 pm, I can't exactly go running. So, I did my nails instead. I got a stamping kit this morning! It is super hard for me, but i'm learning. So I know these aren't the best, well don't judge. I was in the mood for rainbows today!


Saturday, April 13, 2013


Ombre nails are one of the new fads in nail art! They are very pretty and pretty easy to do to! You can use any colors you want, but I made mine to look like cotton candy! Except the blue is a little dark, but oh well.

These are the materials you need for ombre nails! No nail colors, a top coat, and some cosmetic wedges. 

 Start off with a base color of your choice.

 Next paint some other color on your cosmetic wedge and dab it on the top of your nail. Remember, less in more!

 Once that drys, paint on top coat. That will create the blending effect and then your done!

The finished product! :)

Friday, April 12, 2013

Leopard Print

I'm doing a classic today. Leopard print or you can call it cheetah print, whatever works! So just to let you guys know, you can use ANY colors for this! I just used orange, white, and black because it looks cool! If you want a more natural look go for brown. If you want to go crazy go for a rainbow!
Alright, These are the materials that I used but like I said, you can use any colors!

 Start with a dry base color

Paint blobs on your base color. They shouldn't be perfect squares!

 Outline the blobs with a darker color but don't outline the whole blob. Use "C" and "U" looking lines around the nail. 

Add random dots and lines in the leftover space. Next add your top coat, and your done! 

 The finished product!

Roses and Swirls

Hi all! So I was thinking of a nail idea and i'm like, oh hey! Flowers! So I did roses, but they were pretty boring. So I had to spice them up with some swirls! I only did two of roses and the rest are colors and swirls but you can do whatever you want with them! :)

 Okay, These are the materials I used for the roses/swirls nail! I used top coat, a black nail pen, pink nail polish, and white nail polish.

 First, just start off with a white base coat!

 Next use your pink to paint big dots on your nails. Don't worry, they don't have to be perfect!

 Okay, this is a harder part. Outline the pink with your black and paint lines in the middle of the dot so they look like roses! 

 Next paint swirls coming from the roses, with your nail pen. Then add top coat and your done!

The finished product! :)

Thursday, April 11, 2013

French Tips

Are french tips actually french? I have no idea but I know they are gorgeous! They look really natural on nails and they are pretty easy to do. So without further ado, here is my tutorial for french tips!

 These are the materials you will need for this tutorial. I am using top coat, white nail polish and duct tape! You may need a pair of scissors if you can't pull apart the tape.

 Start it off with a clear base coat. 

 Use your tape to cover all of your nail, except your tips.

 Paint over the tips on the tape then rip it off! It is better ripped of when the white is wet. Then add some more top coat. 

The finished product! :)

Galaxy Nails

Galaxy nails are super gorgeous! They look pretty hard to do but when you break it done into steps it isn't really that bad! You have to use a lot of colors because galaxy nails are all about depth, like the galaxy is! So, here is my tutorial for galaxy nails.

 These are the supplies that you will need to do the galaxy nails. I used cosmetic sponges, top coat, white nail polish, black nail polish, green/blue nail polish, purple nail polish, and glittery nail polish.

First off, paint your nails blue for your base coat. 

 Next, paint on your glittery nail polish over the blue. 

 Next, use the cosmetic sponge to dab on white from the bottom left to the top right. This will act as your starting point. 

 Next, sponge on your green/blue next to your white.

 Next, dab on your purple next to your blue green.

 Next, dab on black in the corners of your nails. The black will give your nails a lot of depth. 

 With sponging, you are likely to get some on your fingers. So next use a Q-tip in nail polish remover to remove the left over nail polish on your fingers! But make sure the Q-tip doesn't touch your nails. 

 Once that's done add more glitter and then finish with top coat!

The finished product! :)

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Stripes are probably one of the most simple things you can do with your nails! But they never fail to impress. Yes, you can just use a nail pen but they may not be straight! These tutorial shows you how to get stripes with tape!

 These are the materials you need for this tutorial. In the picture I have masking tape, scissors, two different colors of nail polish, and top coat.

 First with your scissors, cut the masking tape into 4 even pieces. You can do 3 if you want bigger stripes.

 Next, paint your nails with your base color.

 Next, put the nail on your nails so you can see a stripe pattern. The masking tape will cover the pink. It is very important to make sure that your nails are completely dry before you tape them or else your polish will come off with the tape!

 Paint over the masking tape and let it fully dry.

Pull of the tape when the white is dry. Paint over your base color and you are done!

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