Friday, October 30, 2015

Halloween Tutorial: Evil Skull Nail Art

Hey guys! I'm sorry that it as been so long. I started a new job and I have been super busy between college, high school, and work. But I figured that I would be a really horrible blogger if I didn't get at least one Halloween tutorial up for you guys.

What You Will Need:
  •  Black nail polish (I'm using NYC Black Lace Cream)
  • White nail polish (I'm using NYC French White Tip)
  • Red nail polish (I'm using China Glaze The Heat is On)
  • A dotting tool
  • A nail art brush or a small detailing brush
  • Matte top coat *optional* (I'm using NYC Matte Me Crazy)

Step One: 


Paint your nails white and make two big black dots as shown above. 

Step Two:


With your nail art brush, make your eyes bigger and uneven. Paint an upside down heart for the nose in black.

Step Three:


Paint a slightly upward line that looks like a smile in black. 

Step Four:


Paint on a half oval as shown above to make a tooth. 

Step Five:


 Continue step four all along the top of the line.

Step Six:


Continue to add teeth on the bottom of the line with black, to finish the teeth. Blacken out a small portion of the nail on the side like shown above to slim the skull's face.

Step Seven:


Repeat step six and blacken out the other side of the face to slim it.

Step Eight:

Add red dots in the eyes and add matte top coat. Your done!



Have a great Halloween everyone and be safe!

Friday, October 16, 2015

31 Day Challenge 2015 Wrap Up!


Ahhh yes finally. While I love these challenges, I get so tired by the end of them. But I feel like I get better after every challenge. I super excited to start with some Halloween tutorials for you all! You can see some of my favorites from the challenge below!


Day 13 Animal Print:

Even though these are really simple, I adore them! I love how classy leopard print is and how the two red nails match with the leopard print perfectly. 


Day 18 Half Moons:

 I have really been digging the negative space trend lately, so I really like these! I also love the placement of the diamond glitters.

 Day 24 Inspired by A Book: 

HARRY POTTER NAILS YESSS! I'm a Harry Potter fan and weirdly I had never done any HP nails until these and I think they turned out well.


 Day 30 Inspired by A Tutorial:

These were inspired by Chalkboard Nails. They were just really fun to paint because I love mixing colors with other colors.


Thursday, October 15, 2015

#31DC2015 Days 27-31

I have been extremely lazy with this challenge. So I'm adding my last five manicures here for the challenge. I also really just want to start on some Halloween and fall designs. I already have a few planned! I will have a 31 Day Challenge 2015 wrap up in a few days.

Day 27 Inspired by Artwork


These are inspired by a painting called "Composition with Large Red Plane, Yellow, Black, Gray, and Blue" by Piet Mondrian.

Day 28 Inspired by A Flag


These are inspired by the Norway flag. I have many ancestors from Norway and hope to vacation there one day!

Day 29 Inspired by The Supernatural


I was so so soo tempted to do nails inspired by the TV show Supernatural but I controlled myself. So I painted some mummies and they honestly look more cute then scary. Super easy for Halloween!

Day 30 Inspired by A Tutorial


These nails are inspired by Chalkboard Nails aka one of my favorite blogs ever. She did these jewel nails and I instantly fell in love. You can find the tutorial here
Day 31 Honor Nails You Love


These are inspired by Simply Nailogical's Canada Day nails except I don't have maple leaf decals so I just did the gradient part which is super amazing.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

#31DC2015 Day 26 Inspired by A Pattern

Hello friends. In my attempts to catch up with the 31 Day Challenge, I have day 26 today. Day 26's prompt is "inspired by a pattern". I have been seeing all of these pineapple patterns everywhere and really wanted to try it. I also added a gradient and a water marble to it.

  • NYC French White Tip
  • China Glaze Community
  • NYC Palm on The Beach
  • China Glaze Metro Pollen-Tin
  • Seche Vite Top Coat




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