Thursday, July 30, 2015

Let The Sky Fall Book Review

Title: Let The Sky Fall
Author: Shannon Messenger
Series: Sky Fall #1
Rating: 2/5 stars
Bookshelves on Goodreads: 2015-reads, books-i-own, love-the-cover, meh, read, romance

 “How do I have anything normal, when my life's been shredded to bits, turned inside out, painted different colors and reassembled in an order I don't recognize?”

You know that book you buy at a book store for really really cheap? The one with the beautiful cover? This is that book for me. I found it for $1 at Half Price Books. Sometimes beautiful covers let you down. This book let me down.

The thing that I don't understand is that a lot of my friends have rated this four or five stars. I feel like I have a different book. Don't you hate the feeling of not liking a book that everyone else adores?

Let The Sky Fall is about Vane and Audra. Audra is a air elemental that is charged to protect Vane. Vane soon realizes that he isn't exactly human either. Suddenly Vane is thrown into a new world where he is being hunted by the same people that killed his parents.

The Good:
- The ending
- It was somewhat action packed.
- It has a really unique concept.
- Messenger's writing style.

The Bad:
- I didn't connect or care about the characters at all.
- I found Audra to be really annoying.
- The middle of the book dragged a lot.
- The romance aspects in this book are completely predictable.

I feel like if you shortened this book by at least a hundred pages it would be better. It felt unnecessary long. So I didn't hate this book but it really just didn't hold my interest. I do get the appeal that it might have over other readers but it just wasn't for me.


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